When family comes to town, we always recommend doing a family session in Brooklyn Bridge Park. What spot is more iconic than this beautiful place with skyline views? Are Beacon family photographers, we know that locals and tourists alike will be drawn to this beautiful place. It’s the best spot to bring grandparents, aunts, uncles – everybody.

Family Session in Brooklyn Bridge Park with Natural Photos
We love the Max Family Garden for an intimate family photography spot. This park gets so crowded, and it’s a lovely place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. It’s a great spot to start a session and get some natural backdrops. The calm energy will let you get all the formal photos out of the way ahead of time.
Fun DUMBO Family Photos in Brooklyn
Another great spot for a family session in Brooklyn Bridge Park is the waterfront. You can do this anywhere along the piers. The one by Jane’s Carousel offers a stunning view of Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. You can’t go wrong in this stunning place, especially if you have a family of little ones.
Most Iconic Photography Location for Your Extended Family
As Hudson Valley family photographers, our favorite places for photos include DUMBO and Prospect Park. Other great spots include McCarren Park, Fort Greene Park, and Grand Army Plaza. There are many good spots, but Brooklyn Bridge Park family photos are so versatile. We love when families bring us to their favorite spots in the park.

Why You Should Do a Family Session in Brooklyn Bridge Park
You may not always want to make a huge occasion of it when family visits. But it’s such a great idea to document when you all get together. If your family members live far away, you may only see each other a few times a year. It’s so important to document those memories as your family continues to grow and change.
When to Book a Brooklyn Family Photo Shoot
If you’re not sure when to book your family photos in New York City, we recommend as soon as possible. When you have dates that your family is in town, reach out and let us know. Get your photo session booked ahead of time so you can plan around it. Make a day of it and take the family to brunch afterwards.
Tips for the Most Natural Family Pictures in NYC
Our biggest piece of advice is to choose a time when everyone is well-rested. If you have little ones, you’ll want to start after nap time is over. Choose a time when they’ll have the most energy and least crankiness. Our other big tip is to bring water and snacks so the kiddos stay happy and hydrated.

Book with a Top Beacon & Cold Spring family photography Team
If you want to do a family session in Brooklyn Bridge Park, look no further. We would love to chat with you about your photography needs. Our sessions are short, sweet, and to the point. We love to capture families in their element while still getting the formal shots you need.