Tracy and Hani said their vows on a sunny summer day in Brooklyn. These two postponed their larger wedding in favor of an intimate Park Slope wedding. Although they have a larger destination celebration planned later, they couldn’t wait to tie the knot. At this gorgeous Brooklyn micro-wedding, we were so honored to capture these Prospect Park wedding photos in their home neighborhood.
Wedding Photography in Park Slope, Brooklyn
This intimate wedding started with a first look on the street outside their home. We loved capturing the beauty of Brooklyn brownstones in these NYC elopement photos. As Brooklyn wedding photographers, there’s nothing more gorgeous to us than the beauty of these classic neighborhoods. It feels straight out of a movie!
Taking Wedding Photos in Prospect Park
One of the most perfect wedding photo locations in Brooklyn is Prospect Park. It’s central to many wedding venues, hosts a variety of photo locations, and is perfect for an intimate wedding. As New York wedding photographers, it’s truly one of our favorite spots to take pictures. We took their wedding portraits in their neighborhood and around Prospect Park.
Prospect Park Wedding Photos
Their intimate group of guests met us at the park to get the group photos out of the way. Doing this ahead of time allowed for Tracy and Hani to enjoy their time together after their micro-wedding ceremony. When planning a micro-wedding, it’s important for couples to make sure they make the most of their time together and their time with their intimate guest list.
Where to Take Wedding Photos in Prospect Park
For this Brooklyn wedding day, we stayed in locations close to the entrance of Prospect Park by Grand Army Plaza. This spot near the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is a scenic location that is easy to access for family and friends, as well as couples. If you’re considering wearing a wedding dress and/or heels to your occasion, choosing spots near entrances makes a big impact.
Wedding Photo Locations in Brooklyn
Other than Grand Army Plaza, there are tons of gorgeous locations for wedding photos in Prospect Park. We love taking photos by the Prospect Park Boat House (also a gorgeous wedding venue!), Binnen Bridge, Lullwater Bridge, the Picnic House, and more. It’s beautiful in any season!
Stress-Free Elopement Photography in Brooklyn, NY
Eloping in Brooklyn can be a super low-stress occasion. We love Central Park weddings, but there’s something so magical about Prospect Park. Since it’s not a big tourist attraction, it feels a bit more secluded in certain areas. Having a small wedding in Park Slope and Prospect Park is the perfect way to get married your way.
Tracy and Hani’s Small Wedding by Prospect Park
After taking Prospect Park wedding photos, it was time for Tracy and Hani to tie the knot! These two headed over to their local church to say their vows. With close loved ones onlooking, they had a beautiful wedding celebration. After leaving the church, their family showered them in petals for an extra fun micro-wedding photo opportunity.
Planning Your Micro-Wedding in Brooklyn
One of the most important parts of planning an intimate wedding is getting the marriage license itself! Though the wedding is smaller than the average celebration, it’s still important to follow all of the rules. You can peek at City Hall’s website to see what the latest instructions are on obtaining a marriage license in New York.
Backyard Wedding Reception in Park Slope, New York
This micro-wedding got extra micro for the backyard wedding reception. Although micro-weddings can be up to 50 guests, this felt more like an elopement given the intimate crowd. As opposed to a wedding cake, Tracy and Hani opted for a croquembouche, a super unique touch to their special day. With a little toast, we ended our photography coverage for this Brooklyn elopement.
Plan a Micro-Wedding in Brooklyn, NY
If you’re thinking of planning a micro-wedding in Brooklyn, let us know! We’d love to help you capture your special day. There are tons of beautiful spots in Prospect Park to tie the knot, or even just to take your wedding portraits. Whatever the case may be, we’re happy to help!