Sharon and Daniel’s New York City Hall wedding was an afternoon to remember. We were so thrilled as top NYC City Hall wedding photographers to have the opportunity to capture these memories for this happy couple. Showing up in a burgundy suit (similar to the one Kenneth wore at our wedding!) and a white lace dress, these two were ready for their magical NY City Hall wedding.

When to go to City Hall to get married
We showed up at City Hall in the afternoon on a Friday, which was absolutely packed with people. It was a fun fashion show watching all of the couples who showed up in gowns and suits. Everyone had their own unique New York City Hall wedding style. We found that Friday afternoon was probably the most packed that the space could be. If you’re looking to have a less crowded City Hall wedding, we recommend trying to go for the morning. Nonetheless, Sharon and Daniel’s celebration was a fun and wild experience!

The New York City Hall wedding process
Once you show up with your witness, you’re given a number. That number is then called and you fill out your marriage papers. Then you wait for the number to be called once again. They’ll bring you into their marriage room to have a formal ceremony. After that point, you sign the marriage certificate and boom! You’re married! It’s relatively quick, simple, and sweet. Sharon and Daniel’s expressions were so full of love through every step of the process.

Downtown Manhattan wedding photos
We went for a stroll around downtown Manhattan as the sun set for their official wedding photos after the ceremony was over. Really, the photos started right after we left City Hall, as Sharon came prepared with biodegradable confetti. A few confetti tosses later, we were on our way to venture around the city in the dimming daylight. Finding a few beautiful spots with gorgeous architecture, their wedding photos were quick, beautiful and captured memories filled with love.

Planning your NYC City Hall elopement?
Let us know – we’d love to help you capture the memories! Marriages are marriages no matter the size of the wedding, and we love to photograph weddings of every size and style. As two of the best City Hall wedding photographers in New York, we’re committed to capturing the beautiful moments from your elopement.